Now Virtual!
Like many of you, we have been closely following updates and evolving guidance from local, national and global agencies for COVID-19. There is still much uncertainty around the coronavirus, and how long our communities may be impacted
by the pandemic, but it seems certain that decisions about how we work, travel and gather together will continue to be influenced for weeks and months still to come.
Our interactive, engaging virtual platform enables face to face networking, smaller group breakout rooms, live polling, gaming, virtual exhibits and much more. Plus, you can access the full program on demand for a full year ager the event
takes place. We may not be able to gather in person yet, but don’t let that stop your career development, education and peer interactions!
In light of evolving updates and concerns around the coronavirus, we are excited to announce that our 2021 event will be virtual: Executive Decision Making Virtual, May 18-20, 2021.
This event has always been a great opportunity to bring the biopharma executive community together. Until we are able to join in person we are excited to move forward virtually in 2021. We thank all of our stakeholders for their support
in these uncertain times, and hope to work with all of you again in the future.