Optimize Portfolio Insights, Prioritization, and Decision Making for Pharma and Biotech

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Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s 16th Annual

Portfolio Management

Technology, Data and Strategy Driving Optimized Insights, Prioritization and Decision-Making

November 16 - 17, 2022 ALL TIMES EDT

Cambridge Healthtech Institute’s and the BioPharma Strategy Series’ 11th Annual Portfolio Management: Driving Optimized Portfolio Insights, Prioritization and Decisions through Technology, Data and Organizational Strategies attracts over 100 senior R&D executives from pharma and biotech to share best practices in project and portfolio management, R&D innovation, decision analysis, forecasting, and the improvement of operational models.

Wednesday, November 16

Registration and Morning Coffee (Tea Gallery Foyer)8:00 am

Organizer's Remarks8:50 am



8:55 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Gregory Wayne, PhD, Senior Director, Decision Sciences Group, AbbVie, Inc.

9:05 am

“No-Regret” Decision Making under Uncertainty for Pharma Investments

Pharma decision making is challenging given the high degree of inherent uncertainty. The traditional Decision Quality framework does not lend itself to agility and the realities of organizational complexity. This presentation will describe several analytical approaches that can be quickly used to get to a no-regret decision. Examples will be provided that can support both portfolio and individual project decision making under uncertainty.

9:35 am

Decision Analysis – The Ugly Sibling of Portfolio Management

While most organizations extoll the virtues of engaging in Portfolio Management to foster a culture of good decision making in pursuit of value maximization, a disproportionately low proportion focus on the pedigree of the data and information used to determine whether they can attain their Portfolio Management goals. Decision Analysis, often regarded as the ugly sibling of Portfolio Management, is a discipline that is geared toward rationalization of data for use in making difficult decisions under conditions of risk and uncertainty. In laying the foundations for good Portfolio Management, Decision Analysis plays an indispensable role in ensuring decisions are truly ‘data-driven’ as opposed to being mired in heuristics, advocacy, and politics.

Coffee Break with Exhibit Viewing (Bohea)10:20 am

10:50 am

Case Study: Structuring a Project-Specific Probability Assessment within the Portfolio Context

In Portfolio Management, tension can arise between the need for consistency to support prioritization and funding allocation at the Portfolio level and the need for customization to incorporate idiosyncratic considerations at the individual project level. This presentation outlines a recent case study and the approach used to incorporate project-specific issues stemming from a unique drug development plan while fulfilling the portfolio consistency requirements.

11:20 am

Injecting Decision Quality into an Existing Portfolio Process: What to Do When They Don't Want to Change

Change is hard. Especially with multiple stakeholders in an international organization having diverging views on how to make the best portfolio decisions. So what happens when leadership wants change, but some of their followers don't want it? This is the story of one portfolio group in one company and its early efforts to inject Decision Quality into its portfolio process, and how it is learning to turn resisters into supporters.

Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own11:50 am

12:20 pmSession Break


Presentation to be Announced1:05 pm

1:10 pm

Growing Drug Hunters from the Project Management Bench

This presentation is meant to trigger a dialogue towards being more intentional with how we grow effective leaders in the cross-functional game of drug discovery and drug development. What is a Drug Hunter? How long would it take for a world-class professor of Project Management to become an effective leader in drug development at your organization? What resources have you identified as priority items for a curriculum to bring up your junior staff in PM? What kinds of drug discovery and/or development experiences do you think best contribute to optimally shaping your top-tier PM talents?

1:40 pm

Planning ‘Accelerated’ and ‘Standard’ Project Timeline Scenarios

To enable acceleration, R&D functions must work in concert, managing limited resources to deliver on project goals in the face of considerable unknowns. Learn about an approach to planning and execution that will help project teams and enabling functions deliver high-quality outcomes with all possible speed by managing uncertainty instead of compensating for it.

2:10 pm Forward Thinking Enables Modern Agility

Matthew Kokkonen, Director of Key Account Management, Captario

Moving from deterministic, traditional ways of managing portfolios is a complex sea change for even the most agile pharma firms. That being said, one third of the top big pharma companies have already stepped up to this challenge by anchoring their decision-making practices in a modern digital approach by leveraging integrative and holistic capabilities—something few other companies have achieved. Captario SUM® transforms how pharma companies work, plan, and forecast beyond traditional basic methods. Captario partners with visionaries to achieve this future through strategic, deliberate planning tailored to the realities of company culture, unique processes, varied knowledge bases by making uncertainty management a key competitive advantage for future-forward companies.

Refreshment Break with Exhibit Viewing (Bohea)2:40 pm


Portfolio Prioritization and Decision Quality: Tools and Strategies for Value Creation


Terrence Karner, Director, Portfolio & Decision Analysis, Astellas Pharma

This panel will discuss strategies to overcome the many challenges portfolio prioritization. Would tools and consistency of processes influence the strategies and alternatives being evaluated for decision making? Financial valuation to assess relative attractiveness of projects is based on discounted cash flow and net present value (NPV); Are there alternative and effective methodologies to evaluate value creation?


Elayne Ko, Director, Portfolio Decision Sciences, GlaxoSmithKline

Gregory Wayne, PhD, Senior Director, Decision Sciences Group, AbbVie, Inc.

Matthew Kokkonen, Director of Key Account Management, Captario

Breakout Discussions3:55 pm

Breakout Discussions are informal, moderated, small-group discussions, allowing participants to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic. Each discussion will be led by a facilitator who keeps the discussion on track and the group engaged. To get the most out of this format, please come prepared to share examples from your work, be a part of a collective, problem-solving session, and participate in active idea sharing. Breakout Discussions are for in-person attendees only. Please visit the Breakout Discussion page on the conference website for a complete listing of topics and descriptions.


  • Achieving More Effective and Real-Time Portfolio Management and Resource
  • Allocation Balancing Internal R&D Investments and Resources with External
  • Collaborations Right-Sizing Your Resource Dataset for Real-Time Capacity Planning


Networking Reception with Exhibit Viewing (Bohea)4:55 pm

Close of Day5:55 pm

Thursday, November 17

Morning Coffee (Tea Gallery Foyer)8:30 am

9:25 am

Chairperson's Remarks

Michael Myers, PhD, Associate Vice President, LRL Project Management – Due Diligence, Eli Lilly & Co.



9:30 am

Building Portfolio Capabilities in a Growth-Stage Organization

Explore how to enhance portfolio value through building fit-for-purpose portfolio capabilities without overburdening the already resource constrained organization; one size does not fit all. Discuss assessing existing capabilities, gaps, and stakeholder appetite for change; portfolio team and reporting structure, tools and systems, data, analytics, governance; collaboration, partnerships, and change management to ensure success.

Coffee Break with Exhibit Viewing10:00 am

10:30 am Optimizing Development Portfolios: Transformation to a Dynamic Always-on Approach

James Bierman, Principal, ZS

Pharma organizations are behind the times. In order to optimize their development portfolios and unlock additional shareholder value, they must transform how they gather, evaluate and utilize data. ZS’s analysis identifies key drivers of portfolio success and provides a perspective on how organizations can transform for the future.


The Evolution of Portfolio Management – Shepherding Your Organization from Where You Are Today to Where You Need to Be Tomorrow


Leslie Lippard, Senior Director, Portfolio Analytics, Alnylam Pharmaceuticals

Portfolio Management is not a static function. Organizations change in size and focus; reorgs are a regular occurrence, and senior leadership changes. This panel will explore the drivers of change, discuss how to adapt the portfolio management process to different situations; discuss proactive change versus reactive change, and share some best practices. During this discussion, we will consider executive perspective as well as the project perspective, the implications and challenges for portfolio support, governance, and how to navigate the path from today’s portfolio management paradigm to the evolving future state.


Manuel Cid, Head, Portfolio Decision Sciences for Pharma R&D Drug Development, GlaxoSmithKline

Chami Karandana Evans, Executive Director, Portfolio Management & Operational Effectiveness, Insmed

Terrence Karner, Director, Portfolio & Decision Analysis, Astellas Pharma

11:30 am Connecting the Dots Between Portfolio Strategy & Portfolio Operations

Aditya Shah, Partner, Clinical Transformation, PwC

Shaun Varga, Director, Clinical Transformation, PwC

Managing a complex R&D portfolio requires tight orchestration. It’s predicated on a strong strategic direction, mastery of clinical & operational data, and an enabling portfolio operations capability - all working together to advance new therapies. Join us to learn more about how sponsors are harnessing portfolio operations to maximize portfolio value.

Luncheon Presentation (Sponsorship Opportunity Available) or Enjoy Lunch on Your Own12:00 pm


1:00 pm

Chairperson's Remarks

Samantha Fairbairn, Executive Director, Business Performance – Integrated Portfolio Advancement, Amgen

1:10 pm Planning, Measuring, and Reporting on Strategy Realization

Richard Sonnenblick, PhD, Chief Data Scientist, Planview, Inc.

The most successful organizations share one common feature—an emphasis on strategic intelligence. Outside of life sciences, the Strategy Realization Office (SRO) plays an essential role in strategic intelligence, ensuring that R&D initiatives align with strategic goals. Can drug and device development borrow aspects of the SRO? This talk will cover how to use intelligence to pinpoint strategy realization and identify the intelligence layers needed to measure progress.


Translating Corporate Priorities into Functional Portfolio and Capacity Management

Our industry is in an unprecedented period as we see outstanding innovation, pricing pressures, inflation, and new challenges and norms in a post-pandemic environment. To continue our ambition to serve more patients and meet unmet medical needs, we must become increasingly agile in our ability to translate corporate strategy into functional assessment of prioritization and rapid decision making.

2:10 pm

Setbacks in Late-Stage Drug Development: Role of PMO in Resources & Portfolio Management

Topics covered to illustrate the role of PMO and tools available after late-stage setbacks, including forecasting resources in growth phase, scenario planning, managing steep decrease in demand due to portfolio changes, toolbox needed to support transition, and lessons learned.

Breakout Discussions2:40 pm

Breakout Discussions are informal, moderated, small-group discussions, allowing participants to exchange ideas and experiences and develop future collaborations around a focused topic. Each discussion will be led by a facilitator who keeps the discussion on track and the group engaged. To get the most out of this format, please come prepared to share examples from your work, be a part of a collective, problem-solving session, and participate in active idea sharing. Breakout Discussions are for in-person attendees only. Please visit the Breakout Discussion page on the conference website for a complete listing of topics and descriptions.

Refreshment Break with Exhibit Viewing (Bohea)3:40 pm


The Business of Science: Portfolio and Resource Planning in an Ever-Changing Drug Development Landscape


This panel will discuss challenges of making portfolio, forecasting, resource planning, and financial decisions in support of shifting scientific priorities, new modalities, new products, and changing clinical research landscape.  How do we apply our learnings from current drug development resource models to apply to new and disruptive drug discovery and development models? 


Close of Day4:55 pm