Optimize Portfolio Insights, Prioritization, and Decision Making for Pharma and Biotech

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Monday, November 14, 2022  8:00 - 5:00 pm | Tuesday, November 15, 2022  8:00 - 5:00 pm

MC1: Decision Analysis & Portfolio Management for Biopharma Master Class

This class begins with well-founded decision analysis and economic and portfolio theory, and quickly moves to practical training in decision analysis and portfolio management using Excel add-in decision tree and portfolio optimization software. Decision analysis techniques learned in the master class can be used to facilitate governance decision-making under conditions of risk and uncertainty while economic and portfolio principles learned can be used during preparations and analysis for portfolio reviews and executive decision making right away. Unlike other courses that focus on value creation and project prioritization, this master class utilizes a comprehensive approach to transparent, defensible decision-making and portfolio value maximization using cutting-edge portfolio methodologies within a holistic portfolio management framework – CREOPMTMTM. Learn how to shape the strategic and financial goals of your company by using compelling and actionable decision analysis and portfolio analysis to influence corporate decision-makers.
Richard Bayney, PhD, President & Founder, Project & Portfolio Value Creation


WHAT YOU WILL LEARN: The CREOPM framework, a proven, step-by-step approach to positioning R&D portfolios for short-, medium-, and long-term success. Categorize project and program investments into non-discretionary and discretionary buckets. Analyze risk and assess overall probability of success. Evaluate assets using four critical drivers: benefit, risk, cost, and time. Optimize portfolios to make the best use of constrained budgetary and human resources. Prioritize projects using quantitative and qualitative decision criteria. Manage risk, resources, and stakeholders and improve decision making under conditions of risk and uncertainty. 

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: Industry professionals from pharma, biotech, medical devices, and consumer care involved in: 
  • Research 
  • Clinical Development 
  • Projects, Program, and Portfolio Management 
  • Resource Management 
  • Forecasting & Competitive Intelligence 
  • Marketing 
  • Licensing & Business Development 
  • Finance
NOTE: Consultants are not permitted to attend. Separate registration required. CHI requests that the Master Class not be interrupted once it begins. We ask that attendees commit to attending the entire program so as to not disturb the hands-on style instruction being offered to other participants.


8:00 AM Session 1: Introduction
Agenda, brief background, and goals for Master Class; review of Decision Analysis & Portfolio Management surveys.

9:00 AM Session 2: Decision Making under Uncertainty and Risk 
The value of decision framing and the Decision Quality (DQ) cycle.

10:15 AM Coffee Break

10:30 AM Session 3: Introduction to Decision Analysis and Decision Trees
A discipline oriented toward strategy selection on the basis of eNPV maximization under conditions of uncertainty and risk; calculating eNPV using Decision Trees.
Software: Palisade’s Precision Tree

12:00 PM LUNCH

1:00 PM Session 4: Risk Analysis & Risk Management
Phase-dependent risk decomposition, value of imperfect information, SME risk elicitation, and biases.


2:45 PM Session 5: Integrated Asset Valuation
Structuring single- and multiple-indication Decision Trees to conduct, project, and program valuations.
Software: Palisade’s Precision Tree

5:00 PM Close of Day


8:00 AM Session 6: Crossing the Chasm – From Drug Discovery through Clinical Development
Cultivating and embedding a Portfolio Management mindset across the entire R&D value chain.

8:45 AM Session 7: CREOPM
A holistic Portfolio Management framework oriented toward portfolio value maximization and capability maturation.


10:30 AM Session 8: Project Prioritization
Searching for the best rank order of projects to create portfolio value within defined resource constraints using Multiple Objective Decision Analysis (MODA).

12:00 PM LUNCH

1:00 PM Session 9: Portfolio Optimization
Searching for the best combination of projects and programs to maximize portfolio value within defined resource constraints using Linear Programming (LP).
Software: Palisade’s Evolver


3:30 PM Session 10: Strategic, Portfolio, and Business Plans
The importance of actionable and interdependent strategic, portfolio, and business plans.

4:15 PM Session 11: Decision Making and Portfolio Management Capability Maturity Models
Diagnosis of organizational decision making and Portfolio Management capability maturity models.

4:45 PM Session 12: Final Q&A
Any remaining business

5:00 PM Close of Master Class


Richard Bayney, PhD, President & Founder, Project & Portfolio Value Creation

Dr. Richard Bayney is President & Founder of Project & Portfolio Value Creation, a consulting boutique providing training and education in project, program, portfolio, resource, and risk management as well as client services in strategic, business, and portfolio planning. He is an adjunct faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Bayney is a 23-year veteran of the Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology industry at Merck & Co., Inc., Bayer AG, Bristol Myers Squibb, and Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development. He obtained his MSc and PhD from the University of London, MBA from Columbia University, and PMP from the Project Management Institute. In his last corporate position, Dr. Bayney was Head of Decision Analysis & Portfolio Management at Johnson & Johnson Pharmaceutical Research & Development.

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For more details on the conference, please contact:

Bridget Kotelly
Senior Conference Director
Cambridge Healthtech Institute
Phone: (+1) 781-972-5404

Program and Portfolio Management